Dead Sea
Hotels |
Leonardo Club
5 star
Daniel Hotel
( ex
Golden Tulip )
star deluxe!
Leonardo Inn
Best Budget hotel!
Dead Sea Hotels Guide
offers the lowest rates, updated daily by the hotels themselves.
TOP TIP - Avoid July and
August, when the weather is at its hottest, and the hotels on
the Dead Sea tend to be full with noisy children on their
summer vacation. For therapeutic value and relaxation, November to February is
considered ideal.
Choosing the right
hotel to suit your needs is simplified by " Dead Sea
Hotels". This site lists ALL the hotels in the Dead
sea area, and compares them in many different categories. Click link here for Dead Sea hotels
comparison table.
NEW in the Dead Sea!!
The leading Israeli coffee shop chain AROMA has opened a
branch directly next door the McDonalds in the PETRA shopping
center in Ein Boqeq( closest to Tsell Harim, Crowne Plaza and
David Resort Dead Sea hotels ).
Click here for more details
Whilst the dead sea is receding at an alarming pace, none of the hotels are effected
at all, and for those on the Dead Sea beach, there is still plenty
of water to float in! All the hotel beaches are open as usual.
Hotel Of The
Month - October 2014 |
Club - all inclusive!
With its own private beach
on The Dead Sea Shore, 388 of the most luxurious rooms in
The Dead Sea area, The Leonardo
Club, Spa and Convention Center is
the perfect choice of hotel. This hotel has some of the best
facilities in the area, including a beautiful outdoor pool,
an indoor Dead Sea water pool ( although this is nowhere
near the experience of floating in the Dead Sea itself!), an
extensive spa, with jacuzzi, Finnish Sauna, wet sauna,
modern fitness room, and the whole range of Dead Sea
treatments in 24 treatment rooms. Most important is the zero
distance from the hotel to its own private Dead Sea beach!
The information in this site has been compiled by Net
International Travel
Feel free to send any
questions you may have to
Distances: The Northern tip of the Dead Sea
( which has a few beaches for public use ) is only 45 minutes from the Southern exit of Jerusalem.
However, the hotels are further South, 20 minutes passed Ein
Gedi and a total of 90 minutes from Jerusalem. Eilat is
exactly 2 hours South of the Dead Sea hotels. The Dead Sea
is therefore an ideal place to rest while journeying to the
Eilat. Please click
here for Israel
hotels in other destinations around the country, from
kibbutzim in the far North to the Red Sea city of Eilat at
Israel's southern tip. Unfortunately, the regional Tamar
council has added parking meters to the entire length of the
hotel strip, so be careful where you park! |